Family Caregiver

The Family Caregiver Program acknowledges and encourages the vital role caregivers play in our country’s home and community-based services through support in a coordinated and responsive manner by taking care of those who take care of others. There is no charge for these services. Being a family caregiver can be stressful, and finding support can be difficult. The Family Caregiver Support Program can provide Options Counseling and money for family caregiver. FAMILY CAREGIVER

Age 60 or older
Any age with Alzheimer's or a related disease
Age 55 and older who are raising a child, age 18 or younger, who is related to them
Age 55 or older, including parents, who are caring for an adult with a disability age 18-59

Tai Chi Movement for Better Balance

In addition, the senior exercise program provided by MCOACS, is Tai Chi Movement for Better Balance, is an evidence based fall prevention program, delivered in two one hour sessions each week for 12 weeks. The program is designed to improve functional balance, physical performance and to decrease the risk of falls. Each session consists of warm up exercises, eight (8) variations of forms, and a cool down session. Classes are facilitated by a trained volunteer or a MCOACS staff member at the local senior centers (Vale and Nyssa) and at MCOACS dining area in Ontario Oregon.
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